Friday, 27 May 2016

The Drowsy Driver: How to Stay Awake During Long Drives

Drivers during long trips could find it a tough feat to stay awake behind the wheel. During family trips and road trips with some friends, all or most of the passengers fall asleep after a few hours of being on the road. Having no one to talk to and seeing everybody sleeping might make the driver nod off. The following are some tips for drivers to avoid feeling sleep while driving:

Sunflower seeds
The continuous cracking sound and chewing of sunflower seeds keep the driver awake. The kick of salt or spice also helps stimulate the senses! Other road-friendly snacks are helpful as well.

Buddy system and naps
Having another driver during long trips ensures a more relaxed journey. Pull-over and switch drivers after a few hours and take a nap.

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Long sleep before the trip
Make sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep before driving for many hours. An adequate number of sleeping hours will keep the drive energized for the next day.

Auto karaoke
Singing makes use of the voice and the brain cells, helping the driver dispel the haze. If other people in the car are sleeping, avoid singing too loud or singing with them if they are awake.

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Anti-sleep apps
There are some applications such as Anti Drowse, Anti Sleep Driver, and Driver Alarm that can be downloaded for free. Driver Alarm should be placed in front of the driver and it will constantly monitor the driver’s eyes if they look droopy. Of course, the time-worn method of drinking coffee also works for many.

Driving a private car during road trips requires gas! Stop by Petroleum Wholesale LP. Visit this blog for more details on the company’s retail centers.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Shell: Dominating the Global Road

With over 25,000 gas stations in the United States alone, Shell has truly become one of the most dominant fixtures in the global energy and fuel industry. When and where did it start? How exactly did this giant rise to power? 

It all began in 1833 in London, with a shopkeeper named Marcus Samuel. Noticing that shells were the chic thing for interior design at the time, Samuel began importing them in bulk from the Far East. It was the start of an import-export business that would evolve into a global corporate empire. 

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At about the same time when Samuel’s sons, Marcus Jr. and Sam, took over, the world saw a new need for oil – internal combustion engines in automobiles. Realizing the potential of this, the brothers commissioned a fleet of ships to transport oil through the Suez Canal. It revolutionized the oil industry forever as it significantly cut down transportation costs of the resource. In 1897, the brothers named their company Shell Transport and Trading Company. 

Russia was the only source of oil for the company at the time, and Marcus Jr. realized the potential danger in it. In Southeast Asia, he met with the officials of another company, Royal Dutch Petroleum, which had a monopoly on the oil industry in the region. The two companies combined for mutual protection against the larger oil industries in the world such as Rockefeller’s Standard Oil. 

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The merger was fully in place in 1907, and so was the Royal Dutch Shell Group. The group quickly gained a global foothold and expanded before its competitors could do anything, thus laying the groundwork for the mighty Shell Corporation people know today. 

Petroleum Wholesale is a distributor of motor fuel and is based in Texas. It has branding relations with Shell and other leading oil companies. To learn more about Petroleum Wholesale, visit its official website.
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